Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rock and Roll Paradise

That was where I was last night. It was the NU Rock Awards 2008.

The ambiance spoke of rock and roll supremacy. Fedora hats and white neckties ruled the scene. It was the night of the mafia-looking rock bosses.

Lucky enough, we were at the VIP section (I was with my drinking buddy/friend).
Talk about free sushi and booze; and a sea of celebrities, posers and elites in sight.

But I came here for the music. Rico Blanco being on the top my list.
He opened the show with Yugto. Hands down performance.

Followed by several other bands. The bands I thought rocked the night away were Bamboo, Pupil and Radioactive Sago Project.

But I loved Greyhoundz's energy. I remembered a line from their song, "nilulumot na ang tagay mo". I became a bit nostalgic about college days (go figure!). The Dawn didn't play the song Salamat, and behold, Francis Reyes took center stage.

Then, I rubbed shoulders (not elbows. haha) with no other than the Dyosa, Anne Curtis. Pretty girl. Really.

And I saw by long time crush, Ping Medina! Though only from afar. Nevertheless, I'm still grateful.

What striked me the most in this event was when Diane Ventura, Ely Buendia's wife, played the drums for Pupil. This was for their performance after the band was announced as the artist of the year. Wendell was nowhere in sight; Diane got in the drum duty.

Another rock and rollin' year had passed. I felt proud for Filipino musicians. We really got amazing talents.

Just need some guts and God (that's from Sex and the City).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Date and the City

After watching two seasons of a show made popular by love-making and Manolo Blahniks, I can't help but wonder, why can't I still get over?

Partly my fault, I was deceived with the oh-so-nice gestures. But then, why did he had to be oh-so-nice? You should have been bad; you should have said it straight to my face. I could have handled it better when it's right in front of me.

It's over. Just have to get through some flashes of events in my mind.

But hey, I learned my lesson: being on common ground does not mean you pretended, and the other believed.

And lately, I've been a believer.